Promoting Safe, Accurate, Accessible Reproductive Healthcare
Ending Crisis Pregnancy Center (CPC) Disinformation

Abortion Truth Campaign

is a Massachusetts coalition of organizations and individuals supporting education, advocacy, and policymaking to protect women and folks who are pregnant from the lies, disinformation, and predatory practices of anti-abortion centers, also known as ‘crisis pregnancy centers.’ 

Crisis pregnancy centers are anti-abortion groups that pose as pregnancy resource centers or reproductive health clinics. These fake clinics outnumber abortion clinics in Massachusetts three to one.

What are Crisis Pregnancy Centers?

Hiding Their Anti-Abortion Agenda

“Crisis Pregnancy Centers (CPCs) are anti-choice organizations that discourage pregnant individuals from having abortions. CPCs hide their anti-abortion agenda and do not provide fact-based counseling on all options. They often pose as full-spectrum reproductive health clinics when, in fact, they do not offer all reproductive health care services. People deserve unbiased, all-options counseling when facing an unintended pregnancy.”                           

—Reproductive Equity NOW

Photographs on this website feature scenes from the May 13, 2023 statewide Expose Fake Clinics Stand Out sponsored by Indivisible Mass Coalition’s Feminist Action Team in nine communities across Massachusetts: Attleboro, Brookline, Falmouth, Greenfield, Lowell, Marlborough, Natick, Springfield and Worcester. The Greenfield Stand Out was also sponsored by Franklin County Continuing the Political Revolution, Generation Ratify Amherst and several other local groups.